Chick lit | Women's Books

Forget about plot and twists, chick literature, or chick lit, is more about characters and their lifestyle.

The literature is written primarily with the woman in mind.

This means themes like shopping, weight, relationships, friendships and self-identity dominate the literature.

A consistent and common feature is that chick lit books are easy and fun to read.

They are often a light read since they focus more on women issues as opposed to plots which require concentration.

In most cases, a happy ending is on the cards.

Typically, the books are written by women. Main characters can either be young or old, but they are of the female gender.

Although some chick fiction may feature an older lady as the main character, most of them center on young to middle aged women.

Chick literature also deals with power in a feminine way.

Other prominent themes include dating, romance, family and friendships.

One can expect a number of themes and events that either celebrate women or narrate the prejudices of womanhood in the books.

Careers are also examples of central themes in this genre.

To get a snippet of chick books, here is a list of some of the most read and loved books in the genre: –

List of Chick lit books.

Anna and the French Kiss

Beautiful Disaster

Can You Keep a Secret

It ends with Us

It starts with us

Perfect Chemistry

Marrying Mr Wrong

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