Archive: Month: <span>April 2022</span>
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Wilbur Smith Biography: From Accountant to Full Time Writer
Wilbur Smith Biography, from a chartered accountant to a prominent author with over 130 million copies sold
Colleen Hoover Biography
Who is Collen Hoover? Colleen Hoover is a free-spirited novelist who does not follow strict scheduling when she writes, but rather flows with what her inner person desires at any time.
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie Biography
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie biography - she is a Nigerian born prominent young writer based in the United States. She
The Hlomu Book Series Review and Summary
The Hlomu Book Series Review and Summary, written by Dudu Busani Dube. Hlomu series is a set of six books, of
Dudu Busani Dube Biography
Dudu Busani is a Johannesburg -based writer with a strong background in journalism, and known for the famous Hlomu book series.
Chinua Achebe Biography
Chinua Achebe Biography describes a life of influence in African perspective and courage. The Nigerian played an
Things Fall Apart Summary & Book Review
The main character is Okonkwo, is a strong, wealthy, and fearless Igbo warrior of Umuofia, Nigeria in the late eighteen hundred, who is wilful and proud.
History of Elon Musk
History of Elon Musk On Thursday fourteen April twenty twenty-two, South African born billionaire Elon Musk made
Geoffrey Nyarota Biography
Geoffrey Nyarota is a Zimbabwean journalist and human rights activist born in 1951 who began as a teacher before
John Maxwell Coetzee Biography
John Maxwell Coetzee is a man of international repute, famous for writing books in a unique style. He is also a