Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts: Information and Metadata

Posted on April 24, 2023
CategoryRomance Novels
Status Closed nowOpens at 08:30:AM today

7 Aspects of the book that come out: What to expect in Midnight Bayou.

Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts

First, there are highly erotic sex scenes which feature a petite woman.

Second, a wealthy man is set out to re-make an old mansion and does not give-in, even on the face of horror-events.

Third, Story of ghosts, love, and murder on the bayou

Fourth – a re-make of an old plantation house haunted by ghosts.

Fifth – Steamy passion, humor, and supernatural events.

In addition, the past and the present come together.

Then, rape, murder, and betrayal.

Finally, the unearthing century old secrets such as murder, a notion which the community held for many years past.

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Midnight Bayou Metadata

Published in 2010, this fantasy book is 338 pages long.

Fit for adults and young adults of all gender, the book has some swearing language and strong sex scenes. However, the sexual language is mild and is spread over four sex scenes. In addition, the sex scenes also include one of rape.

Set in the New Orleans area, the story gives insight into the re-incarnation beliefs of some of the residents of New Orleans. It moves in different timelines, from century old times to the year 2002. There is a shift from past to present.

Contemporary fantasy romance is the best way to describe the genre.

The Author

Nora Roberts is an American writer with more than 225 romance novels. She was born Eleanor Marie Robertson on October 10, 1950.

She began to write in 1979 and her first 6 manuscripts were rejected by Harlequin Enterprises ULC.

Harlequin Enterprises ULC is the largest publisher of romance fiction in the world.

However, in 1981, Nora Roberts wrote her first novel, Irish Thoroughbred.

Silhouette, a publisher who saw a gap in the market created by Harlequin, made it possible for Roberts.

Nora writes mainstream romantic suspense novels and is renowned for that.

She is married to Bruce Wilder.

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