Imbwa Nyoro Summary

Posted on April 10, 2022
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Imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzematovo is a Shona metaphor which means the seemingly innocent looking people, likeable and soft are often the ones who do naughty and deeply mischievous acts in a deceptive way.

In this Shona novel, the story begins with Mufundisi Kunaka, a young priest and his new wife Mary, as they begin their life in a new parish.

Mary becomes pregnant and the pregnancy keeps her in hospital.

Mufundisi Kunaka is entangled in an affair, and Mr Kurauone is aware of this.

It would seem the affair is not enough for Kunaka, who later lends himself into deeper complications.

Will he escape as things unfold ….?

Imbwa Nyoro Pfupiso muChishona

Tsumo yekuti imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzematovo inoreva kuti munhu akapfava unovimbwa naye neruzhinji ndiye anogona kuita mabasa ehunhumbu chinyararire.

Mubhuku irir, tinoona mufundisi Kunaka vachivamba rwendo rweupenyu nomudzimai wavo mutsva, Mary.

Asi pamuviri pa Mary panokonzera kuti agare muchipatara kwenguva ndefu, mhedzisiro yacho mufundisi vanopindana nenyaya dzeruchiva.

Mufundisi vanoita gumbo mumba gumbo panze

Ichapera zvakanaka here nyaya iyi?

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