The Graceless Fall of Robert Mugabe

Posted on April 10, 2022
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The Graceless Fall of Robert Mugabe Summary – Geoffrey Nyarota

In November 2017, one of Africa’s most eloquent, if not the most eloquent leader was ousted from power in a surprise military aided dislodgement. Africa’s longest serving president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, was removed from power when nobody expected it.

In November 2017, one of Africa’s most eloquent, if not the most eloquent leader was ousted from power in a surprise military aided dislodgement. Africa’s longest serving president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, was removed from power when nobody expected it.
The Graceless Fall of Robert Mugabe

The book, The Graceless Fall of Robert Mugabe: The End of a Dictator’s Reign, narrates the events prevailing prior to the ousting of Robert Gabriel Mugabe, and points out why such a calamity befell the old veteran leader.

The author Geoffrey Nyarota, a renowned and experienced journalist gives a thrilling narration and insight into the inner happenings of the ruling party’s factions, which ultimately led to the removal of Robert Mugabe from power. The award-winning journalist traces the political and economic history of Zimbabwe, as the country moved from being a regional breadbasket to a basket case under the dictatorial leadership of Bob, as he was known.

Does the book answer enough questions about the mind of Robert Mugabe and his tyranny?

How did the veteran dictator fail to resolve the rift in ZANU PF, which later led to his forceful removal?

How did the ambitious Grace Mugabe, wife of Robert Mugabe, end up in a faction opposed to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa?

And how did the party view such a development in terms of the overall health of the party?

This books answers serious questions on why the smooth and bloodless overthrow of Robert Mugabe was imminent, although the world did not see it coming.

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